European Climate Change Adaptation Conference - ECCA 2021


Climate change is considered by many to be the challenge of the 21st century. The urgency and severity of this challenge, call for integrated ways of looking at responses to reduce the risks associated with environmental and social stressors, and ensure a secure future for humans and ecosystems. Adapting to climate change requires a coordinated and synergistic approach from a diverse range of actors across sectors, as well as questioning assumptions about the drivers of risk, vulnerability and environmental change.

A cooperative approach is allowing to improve learning and knowledge exchange in order to deliver optimal solutions. Interaction and collaboration with the disaster risk reduction (DRR) community, is a critical element in improving climate change adaptation (CCA), as the communities share similar goals and activities. Bringing the two groups together is particularly important in relation to the goals and targets of the three major international agreements: ParisSendai Framework for DRR and the Sustainable Development Goals, and along the European Green Deal.  

The European Climate Change Adaptation Conference (ECCA) is Europe's largest conference on CCA, and is a perfect platform for exchanging knowledge between scientist, policy makers and practitioners.

The 5th edition of European Climate Change and Adaptation Conference (ECCA) will be held in May and June 2021.

The high-level event of the ECCA 2021 conference likely will be organized on Monday, 7 June 2021 in the Charlemagne building in Brussels.
Note: the number of on-site participants will be limited according to the COVID19 rules in force in June 2021. The high-level conference will be broadcast on Internet.

Prior to the physical Conference event, the online conference will span over 3 to 4 days the week before (31 May - 04 June 2021) and will be articulated around 6 to 8 webinars.

ECCA aims with this Lustrum edition to:

  • Provide a space that facilitates a dialogue among a diverse range of actors from academia, government, business, community and youth on the multiple aspects of climate change adaptation
  • Promote the communication and knowledge exchange between researchers, policymakers and practitioners
  • Find integrated solutions and inspire action
  • Discuss key challenges and solutions in climate adaptation
  • Support ongoing efforts to enhance the coherence and synergy between CCA and DRR research, policy and practice
  • Provide a stage for presenting European’s excellence on Research & Innovation for CCA

This will be an excellent opportunity to work together on showcasing the successful interlinkages between climate knowledge, climate finance and innovative adaptation practices.

If you would like to receive relevant updates and information on ECCA2021, please register here, or follow one of the social media channels:

  • Instagram: ecca2021
  • Twitter: 2021ECCA (AdaptationConference)
  • LinkedIn: ECCA: European Climate Change Adaptation
  • YouTube channel of the 4th edition (2019)

More details on ECCA 2021 webiste.


The topics for the 9 webinars, scheduled for May - June 2021 from 11:00 - 13:30 CET (tbc) are as follows:


25-May Financing climate action: From climate proofing investments to mobilising funds
Champions: Giulia Galluccio - CMCC | Hans Sanderson - Aarhus University 
26-May Climate change and health: Promoting wellbeing through climate action
Champion: Kristin Aunan - Cicero
27-May  Nature as a solution - For resilience, mitigation and sustainable development
Champion: Sergio Castellari - European Environment Agency
31-May  360° view of climate impacts: Experiencing the future to plan adaptation
Champions: Christopher Reyers - PIK | Hanne Knaepen - ECDPM  
1-June Approaches to coastal adaptation to Sea Level Rise
Champion: Bart van den Hurk - Deltares
7-June  Climate action exchange – sharing knowledge and experience of what works across the EU
Champions: Lučka Kajfež Bogataj - University of Ljubljana |
Barbara Simonič - Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Slovenia  
8-June  At your service: Climate knowledge & information as enablers of climate action
Champion: Roger Street - University of Oxford 
9-June Acting locally - citizen engagement and community mobilisation
Champion: Wolfgang Pfefferkorn - CIPRA     
10-June Building back better: COVID recovery, resilience building and societal transformation
Champion: Elisabeth Worliczek - BOKU