Agriculture 4.0 – Driving Sustainability for the European Wine Sector


The European Agriculture 4.0 Event - Promotion of Sustainability for the European Wine Sector is promoted by ADVID, through CoLAB VINES & WINES and it is integrated in the Portuguese Presidency of the EU Council.


Free attendance and registration needed.

For more information on the programa and registration, please visit

Ligações relacionais

  • Rede
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  • Geolocalização
    • ADVID - Associação para o Desenvolvimento de Viticultura Duriense

      ADVID (the Association for the Development of Viticulture in the Douro Region) is a non-profit organisation that was established in 1982 with the aim of contributing to the modernisation of viticulture.

    • CoLAB Vinhas e Vinhos

      O CoLAB VINES&WINES, uma iniciativa liderada pela ADVID, foi criado para apoiar o setor vitivinícola, mobilizando Associados e parceiros da ADVID, para garantir a resiliência, a sustentabilidade e a competitividade do setor.
