



The contribution to the greenhouse gas emissions of viticultural systems in Italy is significant when considered in relation to the extension of the vineyard area which places the Country in third place in the world (646.000 ha of which 51.000 in Emilia Romagna region). Therefore, the need to deepen studies on the carbon footprint in the viticultural system of our region becomes evident also in relation to the application of highly sustainable agronomic techniques that can significantly affect the carbon footprint in the vineyard.

Nowadays, the knowledge on energy consumption and CO2 emissions (carbon footprint) of agricultural, including viticultural, systems is lacking. Some research studies showed that the highest contribution to GHG emissions in viticulture is given by fossil fuel, water consumption, chemicals and fertilizer application.  

 Deepening the studies on this issue becomes a priority also in relation to the application of highly sustainable agronomic techniques that can significantly influence the carbon footprint and increase the carbon sequestration capacity of the vineyard.

The project is developed through the use of innovative and highly sustainable soil and foliage management techniques represented by the implementation of grassing with different, more performing varieties and modulation of the useful height of the vegetative wall in relation to the availability of water resources. For example, the useful height of the vegetative wall will be high in early summer and reduced, through the removal of the vegetative apex and / or leaves, possibly combined with spraying of kaolin in the phase close to ripening. The practices adopted are simple, easily accessible and economically advantageous.

The rapid and constant monitoring of the carbon flows of the vineyard production ecosystem is guaranteed by the use of eco-physiological measurement systems of the individual components that detect the carbon balance and through the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA).

Alongside highly sustainable agronomic practices, the experimental plan provides for an objective assessment of greenhouse gas emissions, released during the life cycle of the product, using the LCA methodology. In particular, the grape production, cellar, transport and end-of-life phases are the subject of study.

The LCA method will therefore provide agricultural companies with a data collection tool as well as the development of local databases useful for achieving the objectives of reducing emissions in the agricultural sector and for the sustainable development of production.


<<These studies were funded by the Emilia-Romagna Region as part of the 2014-2020 RDP Op. 16.1.01 - Go Pei-Agri - FA 5E, Pr. "Carbon footprint assessment in relation to highly sustainable viticultural strategies." Under the coordination of the Crpv>>


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