European Institute of Innovation and Technology - EIT

1 Neumann Janos 1117 Budapest


The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) is an independent EU body. We enhance Europe’s ability to innovate by nurturing entrepreneurial talent and supporting new ideas.

Our visionis to become the leading European initiative that empowers innovators and entrepreneurs to develop world-class solutions to societal challenges and creates growth and skilled jobs.'
Our mission is to:

  •     Contribute to the competitiveness of Europe, its sustainable economic growth and job creation by promoting and strengthening synergies and cooperation among businesses, education institutions and research organisations.
  •     Create favourable environments for creative thought, to enable world-class innovation and entrepreneurship to thrive in Europe.


Ligações relacionais

  • Rede
  • Lista
  • Geolocalização
    • Climate-KIC

      Climate-KIC est un partenariat européen public-privé dédié à l'innovation climatique et soutenu par l’Institut Européen d’Innovation et de Technologie (EIT)

    • MEDCLIV - Ecossistema Climático Mediterrânico da Vinha e do Vinho

      O projecto MEDCLIV visa experimentar abordagens participativas para conceber e partilhar caminhos co-construídos de adaptação e mitigação às alterações climáticas, para a cadeia de valor da vinha e do vinho nos territórios mediterrânicos.
