How to create personalized user case in digital viticulture

- General market overview viticulture soft and hardware
- What is currently available in Cyprus
- What is main viticulture indicators farmer looking for and what is important but not in scope yet
- How to transform data from different sourses to understandable format in practical and valuable use
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CUT - Cyprus University of Technology
Focusing mainly on applied research, the University aspires to acquire a role in support of the State and society in their efforts to deal with problems related to science and technology.
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MEDCLIV - Ecossistema Climático Mediterrânico da Vinha e do Vinho
O projecto MEDCLIV visa experimentar abordagens participativas para conceber e partilhar caminhos co-construídos de adaptação e mitigação às alterações climáticas, para a cadeia de valor da vinha e do vinho nos territórios mediterrânicos.