Launch of the 3rd French National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change


« France is adapting » constituted the prelude to the thirdclimate change adaptation plan (PNACC-3)which will contain around fifty measures structured around four axes:

  • « protect the French » ;
  • “adapt territories and ensure continuity” essential infrastructure and services » ;
  • “ensure the resilience of the economy””
  • « preserve natural and cultural environments ».

The next few weeks will be crucial for implementing these directions:

  • By the end of February: ministerial meeting to arbitrate the PNACC;
  • March: consultation of the PNACC;
  • Before summer : PNACC publication.

See « France adapts » : Christophe Béchu brought together elected officials, citizens, economic actors, society and civilian and experts opportunity for a political initiative on adaptation to climate change | Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion (


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