Launch of the scientific committee of VINEAS

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Collaboration et approches participatives du changement climatique
La résolution d'un problème aussi complexe que le changement climatique implique un environnement de collaboration solide.
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CUT - Cyprus University of Technology
Focusing mainly on applied research, the University aspires to acquire a role in support of the State and society in their efforts to deal with problems related to science and technology.
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Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia - Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Founded in 1973 Universidade NOVA de Lisboa is the youngest of Lisbon’s three state Universities
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FEM - Fondazione Edmund Mach
The Edmund Mach Foundation promotes and carries out research, scientific experiments, education and training activities as well as providing technical assistance and extensions services to companies
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Institut national slovène de Chimie - Kemijki Institute (KI)
L'Institut national de chimie de Ljubljana est le deuxième plus grand institut de recherche en sciences naturelles de Slovénie. La recherche à l'Institut national se divise en deux grands domaines : les sciences de la vie et la science des matériaux
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MEDCLIV (Mediterranean Climate Vine & Wine Ecosystem)
Le projet MEDCLIV a pour objectif de soutenir et multiplier la co-construction de chemins d'adaptation de la filière vigne et vin au changement climatique, à travers des ateliers participatifs locaux dans plusieurs pays méditerranéens.
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UPV - Universitat Politecnica di Valencia
The Polytechnic University of Valencia is a Spanish university located in Valencia, with a focus on science and technology.