Presentation of the VINEAS platform in Spanish
What is VINEAS?
VINEAS is a dynamic platform co-designed in the MEDCLIV (Mediterranean Climate Vine & Wine Ecosystem) project, which brings together the wine sector in order to disseminate and share knowledge, exchange experiences, expose needs, proposals, solutions, initiatives, events, news, in around the challenges of climate change and all the problems that this situation reveals.
As a user, VINEAS offers you the opportunity to navigate through all the questions that may arise about the vineyard and wine and climate change. A powerful search engine will allow you to search for information and initiatives corresponding to all the results and resources produced by the user community.
If you are an actor in the wine sector, VINEAS allows you to show the knowledge acquired in your organization through a presentation page of your activities, linked to the projects, documents, news, events and solutions that you want to make known to the sector.
The VINEAS platform aims to continue developing with the user community. For this, the platform is presented in seven languages, in English and in the six languages of the participating Mediterranean countries.
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