Platforma VINEAS, raziskovalci, vinogradniki in vinarji proti klimatskim spremembam v Mediteranu



Vinograd in jutranje meglice

Približno polovico svetovne proizvodnje vina proizvedejo v sredozemskih deželah, zato podnebne spremembe še posebej slabo vplivajo na pridelavo grozdja. Zato centri moči v procesu prilagajanja na vedno hujše posledice ekstremnih vremenskih razmer od, suše, zmrzali do toče, tudi podpirajo sodelovanje vinogradnikov in raziskovalcev. Dr. Alen Albreht, vodja Laboratorija za prehrambeno kemijo na Kemijskem inštitutu v Ljubljani in dr. Jan Reščič s Centra za raziskave vina ter asistent na Fakulteti za vinogradništvo in vinarstvo Univerze v Novi Gorici bosta osvetlila primere takšnega sodelovanja v okviru EU projekta MEDCLIV in spletne platforme VINEAS, ki so jo javno predstavili spomladi letos.



  • Network
  • List
  • Geolocation
    • MEDCLIV (Mediterranean Climate Vine & Wine Ecosystem)

      The MEDCLIV project aims at experimenting participatory approaches to design and share co-constructed adaptation (and to some extent mitigation) pathways for the vine and wine value chain in Mediterranean territories. change

    • National Institute of Chemistry - Kemijski Institut (KI)

      The National Institute of Chemistry in Ljubljana is the second largest natural sciences research institute in Slovenia. Research at the National Institute is divided into two major fields: life sciences and materials science

    • University of Nova Gorica

      We are an independent, research oriented and student friendly university, where knowledge is created in a harmonious relationship between students and researchers.


Contact the referent of this page : Katerina Naumoska