IBE - Institute of BioEconomy
via Madonna del Piano, 10 50019 Sesto Fiorentino
The Institute for BioEconomy - IBE - was born on June 1, 2019, from the merger of the Institute of Biometeorology (IBIMET) and the Institute for the Enhancement of Wood and Arboreal Species (IVALSA), which over the years have developed skills and complementarity in the strategic sector of the bioeconomy. This discipline, inclusive of activities that use renewable bio-resources of the terrestrial biosphere to produce food, materials, and energy, therefore includes the primary production sector (agriculture, forests, fishing), as well as the industrial sectors of use and transformation of resources, that agri-food, that of wood, part of the chemical, biotechnology, and energy industries. The strategies of environmental sustainability and the use of resources, reduction of impacts, strengthening of resilience and support for mitigation are included in this issue, which therefore has a strong interdisciplinary value. A bioeconomy worthy of this name and located in this historical moment of change cannot be separated from the knowledge of the factors that regulate the function and survival of man-made systems, and therefore from meteorology, climatology, and oceanography, which form an integral part of this Institute.
Its main research themes are:
1) Primary production and biodiversity
2) Wood technology and derivatives
3) Utilization, agroforestry mechanization, and woody biomass
4) Climate, meteorology and oceanography
5) Biotechnologies, bioenergy, process and product technologies
6) Sustainable use of natural resources and ecosystem services
The MEDCLIV project was developed by the Bologna section of IBE.
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Co-designed agro-climate indicators identify different future climate effects for grape and olive across Europe
This study builds on the experience of the EU Horizon 2020 project MED-GOLD for grape and olive
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MEDCLIV (Mediterranean Climate Vine & Wine Ecosystem)
The MEDCLIV project aims at experimenting participatory approaches to design and share co-constructed adaptation (and to some extent mitigation) pathways for the vine and wine value chain in Mediterranean territories. change
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Valuation of Climate Services for Viticulturists: Tackling fungal diseases
This study builds on the experience of the EU Horizon 2020 project MED-GOLD for wine sector
Contact the referent of this page : Tadić Slaven
via Madonna del Piano, 10
Sesto Fiorentino