
The CANARI application allows rapid and direct online visualization of more than a hundred Agro-Climatic Indicators (ACI) covering the needs of different agricultural sectors. Each IAC can be calculated locally across the whole of mainland France for the period of the Near Future (period 2020-2050) and the Far Future (2050-2100) according to a multi-model approach, allowing to identify greater variability climate changes to come. In order to adequately use the IACs offered by CANARI, it is recommended that you use the IACs offered by CANARI. to already be initiated and raised awareness to climate change in agriculture.

The CANARI portal is the result of the partnership between Solagro, specialist in agricultural issues and climate change, and Makina Corpus, designer of IT solutions and open source web applications. Scientific support for the use of climate projections has been provided. requested with the French laboratory IPSL (Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, specialist in climate modeling) but also with the research unit. MARS of the JRC (European Union research center) involved in adaptation issues in the agricultural sector. More information »

To use the CANARI application we ask you to register, the data provided will only be used within the framework of this project in order to improve the application (cf Legal notices).


  • Network
  • List
  • Geolocation
    • To help European agricultural sectors adapt to climate change, CANARI Europe, the first open source web application for visualizing agro-climatic indicators is now online.

    • Face aux risques de sécheresse, à l’excès de précipitations ou au gel, les agriculteurs ont désormais gratuitement accès à CANARI : une application web open source de visualisation d'indicateurs agroclimatiques qui calcule instantanément des projections climatiques jusqu’à 2100.

    • Application web de visualisation d'Indicateurs Agro-Climatiques pour les filières agricoles

      L'application CANARI (Climate ANalysis for Agricultural Recommendations and Impacts) permet une visualisation rapidement et directement en ligne de plus d'une centaine d'Indicateurs Agro- Climatiques (IAC)

    • Climate services in the Wine sector

      Climate services may be defined as scientifically based information and products that enhance users’ knowledge and understanding about the impacts of climate on their decisions and actions.

    • Solagro

      Une expertise innovante au service des transitions énergétique, agroécologique et alimentaire Solagro propose une démarche singulière au sein de laquelle accompagnement de réalisations (études et assistance à maîtrise d'ouvrage), prospective, formation et recherche – développement s'alimentent et s'


Contact the referent of this page : Nicolas Metayer