IVES International Viticulture and Enology Society
210 chemin de Leysotte CS 50008 33882 Villenave d’Ornon
The International Viticulture and Enology Society (IVES) is an academic association dedicated to viticulture and enology. Founded in 2017 by a group of leading universities and research institutes, it aims to make the results of scientific research in this field freely available for researchers and professionals. It already gathers 19 academic members.
IVES publishes OENO One, a vine and wine online open access peer-reviewed journal launched in 2016 and IVES Technical Reviews – Vine and Wine (since 2019). The objective is to create a new journal within the next two years: IVES Conference Series.
IVES has a director of publication, three permanent staff members, six editors-in-chief and over 150 editorial board members.
IVES is a non-profit organization managed by its academic members. These members believe that the results of scientific research should be freely available to researchers (public and private sectors) and the general public. To make this possible, IVES publishes its journals on free online publishing platforms independent from private publishers and is supported by 24 major actors from many important wine-producing countries.
IVES journals are editorially independent of its private and institutional partners.
The IVES association’s board of directors is composed of 11 researchers, elected by the general assembly among representatives of the universities and research institutes involved in the project: https://ives-openscience.eu/index.php/governance/.
Claire Guyot, editorial manager of the OENO One journal and communication manager of the International Viticulture and Enology Society – IVES. Piloting the set-up of IVES Conference Series.
Laurianne Callamy, production manager of the OENO One journal and graphic designer.
Julien Dumercq, executive manager of the International Viticulture and Enology Society – IVES (administration and partnerships). Editorial manager of IVES Technical Reviews.
Jean-Philippe Roby, director of publication.
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