Integrating animals in vineyards


Vineyards can be adequately grazed by ruminants to reduce the use of herbicides or mechanical weeding, improve soil fertility and prevent soil erosion. Grazing animals are generally sheep, but experiences exist with cows, goats and poultry. The choice of animals depends on the vine architecture -gobelet being more suitable for cows, others being necessarily with ewes or goats to allow circulation between rows. Some experiences exist with small animal breeds (e.g. Ouessant sheep breed) to allow grazing during vegetative season but are not the most frequent. The choice of rustic animal breed can be also determinant to graze on poor soils and feed harsh vegetation.

The benefits for wine growers is to allow managing grass cover in winter without herbicides or mechanical weeding, reducing the risk of soil erosion that may be caused by too frequent ploughing. The animals’ dejections fertilize the soil increasing organic matter content, which can in turn increase water retention. Grazing also diversifies the plot flora, possibly reducing the competition of weeds with vine.

This practice is gaining interest in many wine growing areas in France and all around the world. The scope of technical and ecological benefits, and conditions for success are being documented.

Technical management risks such as breaking woods or soil compaction appear more as mental brakes, not confirmed in any report nor by practitioners, if management practices are adequate. Period and duration of grazing must be calibrated considering soil structure, climate, type and weight of animals.

Author: Marc Moraine (INRAE)


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